The Massie Station building was moved to the NEWSM from Point Judith, RI in 1983. The wireless library contains publications, primarily from 1880 to 1930, related to the history of wireless communication.
Wireless Equipment Collection
- 1930s Crystal Oscillator Transmitter #1
- 1930s Frankenstein Transmitter
- 1930s George Grammer Designed TNT (Tuned-Not-Tuned) Transmitter #1
- 1930s George Grammer Designed TNT (Tuned-Not-Tuned) Transmitter #2
- 1930s George Grammer Designed TNT (Tuned-Not-Tuned) Transmitter #3
- 1930s TPTG (Tuned-Plate Tuned-Grid) Transmitter #1
- Aero Morse Recorder
- Airplane Radio Receiver, US Army Signal Corps, Type S.C.R. 59
- Airplane Radio Telegraph Transmitting Set Box. Type BC-15A
- Alexanderson Alternator Thrust Bearing Pressure Gauge from Marion Mass
- American Military Radio Collection
- American Radio & Research Corp. Medium Wave Receiver Type SE 142C
- Apco Manufacturing Co., Apco Twin Tube
- Atwater Kent Model 10A 4340 Radio #1
- Atwater Kent Model 10A 4340 Radio #2
- Atwater Kent Model 10A 4340 Radio #3
- Atwater Kent Model 10B 4550 Radio
- Atwater Kent Model 10C 4700 Radio #1
- Atwater Kent Model 10C 4700 Radio #2
- Atwater Kent Model 30 radio
- Atwater Kent model 33 in Pooley floor-model wood cabinet
- Atwater Kent Model 42 radio
- Atwater Kent Model 55C Radio in Kiel Table
- Atwater Kent Model 9C 4660 Radio
- Atwater Kent Model E radio
- Bendix Transmitter T-100
- Bremer-Tully Counterphase Six
- Collins Airborne Radio Equipment AN/ART-13
- Collins 75A-4A Communications Receiver
- Colonial Radio Corporation Type CR1-43044, Transmitter-Receiver
- Crystal Radio Collection
- DeForest Radio Tel. & Tel. Co, Radio Receiving Set Box. Type BC-14A
- E.F. Johnson Viking Ranger Transmitter
- E.H. Scott Allwave 23 Imperial
- E.S. Ritchie AM Radio Receiver, Type CBR-4, Series 330
- French field radio
- General Electric Receiving Set Type D
- General Electric Two Step Amplifier Type SE1000
- Hallicrafters Sky Challenger, Model SX-15
- Hallicrafters Sky Buddy Receiver, Model S-19R
- Hallicrafters Sky Champion, Model S-20R
- Hallicrafters Sky Rider 5-10, Model S-21
- Hallicrafters Skyrider Marine Receiver, Model S-22R
- Hallicrafters Skyrider Defiant, High Frequency Communication Receiver, Model SX-24
- Hallicrafters Skyrider Defiant, High Frequency Communication Receiver Model SX-25
- Hallicrafters Super Skyrider Receiver, Model SX-28A
- Hallicrafters Model S-30, Radio Compass
- Hallicrafters AM Broadcast & Shortwave Receiver, Model S-38B
- Hallicrafters AM Broadcast & Shortwave Receiver, Model S-120
- Hallicrafters AM Broadcast & Shortwave Receiver, Model SR10A
- Hallicrafters Speaker
- Hammarlund Model RBG-2, Radio Receiving Equipment
- Hammerlund Super-Pro Receiver
- Hammerland Super Pro Receiver BC-779-B Radio Receiver
- Harvey Transmitter/Receiver Model 9BG3
- Heathkit Model CR-1 Crystal Radio
- Homemade Crystal Radio in Well-Constructed Oak Box
- Homemade Crystal Radio with Electrical Research Laboratories parts
- Hyatt Electric Corporation Model A Portable Receiver
- Japanese Military Radio Collection, Richard A. Day
- Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Field telephone model 1917
- Leutz Transoceanic Phantom radio receiver, Type 9, Serial Number 425
- Little Rhody 2 Meter Transceiver
- Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., 123-B
- Marconi Model CM-294 Shortwave Receiver
- Marconi Type 106-D Radio Receiver
- Marconi Valve Tuner No. 7054
- Marconi W. T. Sets field radio
- Marconi W. T. Sets Forward Spark Mk. II transmitter
- Marconi W. T. Sets Trench C. W. Selector
- Medium Wave Receiver Type SE 142C ©
- Melo-Heald “Eleven” radio receiver
- Merril Budlong, W1QLD/W1MB, 5 Band Communication Receiver
- Metro Jr. Crystal Radio
- Minsk Radio Plant, Horizon 219 Receiver
- The Nacometer [Automatic Code Transmitter]
- National Electrical Supply Radio Receiver Type CN-240
- National Type AGF Number C35 Receiver
- National Receiver, Model NC-2-40D
- National NC HRO “Sixty” Receiver w/Plugin Coil Set
- Navy Two Step Amplifier, Type SE1000
- Oceanic and Oriental Navigation Company Receiver “Golden Chest” IP-500
- The Omnigraph
- Paragon DA-2 Detector Amplifier
- Paragon RA-6 receiver
- Paragon Radio Telephone 2-5-U
- Paragon Regenerative Receiver Type RA-10
- Philco 38-1-116XX Radio and Phonograph
- Philco 38-7CS Chairside Radio
- Philmore Little Wonder Crystal Radio
- Pilot Wasp Receiver 3-201A
- Radio Compass Receiver
- Radio Mfg Engineers Single Signal Super, RME-9D
- Radio Mfg Engineers RME-45 Communications Receiver
- Radio Mfg Engineers U. S. Coast Guard, Pre Selector, Type MR-148
- Radio Signal Corps Laboratories Radio receiver & transmitter BC-322
- Radio Telegraph Transmitter Model ET-8004
- Radio Telegraph Transmitter, Model ET 8003
- RCA Model 6k Receiver
- RCA Model AVR-20-A aircraft Receiver
- RCA Model AVT-112-A aircraft Transmitter
- RCA Model BP-10 Portable Broadcast Receiver
- Receiver Amplifier Type IP501A, Serial No. 331 EMM
- REL 5 Meter Receiver -296-
- Remler Infradyne
- Siemens Luftwaffe K32 GWB radio receiver
- Signal Corps Wireless Set No 19 MK II Aerial Variometer
- Signal Corps Dynamotor Unit BD-77-KM
- Signal Corps Radio Receiver Type BC-144 U.S. Army
- Signal Corps US Army Radio Tuner Type BC-138
- Signal Corps US Army Antenna Tuning Unit BC-306-A
- Signal Corps Radio Receiver and Transmitter BC-659-J
- Signal Corps US Army Tuning Unit BC-746 B CH5
- Signal Corps Radio Receiver and Transmitter BC-1000-B
- Signal Corps US Army Transmitter Tuning Unit TU-9-B
- Signal Corps US Army Transmitter Tuning Unit TU-10-B
- Stromberg-Carlson portable wireless set
- Transmitter Receiver Type CW925
- Unknown Receiver
- Unknown Receiver
- US Army Signal Corps Transmitting Tuning Radio Transmitter
- US Army Signal Corps Transmitting Tuning Unit
- Varoujan Karentz Amateur Radio Transceiver
- Western Electric transmitter/receiver
- Western Electric Type Number CW-924 Transmitter-Receiver
- Western Electric Transmitter Receiver Type CW925
- Western Electric Airplane Interphone type S.C.R. 57
- Western Electric Airplane Radio Receiver, US Army Signal Corps, Type S.C.R. 59
- Westinghouse airplane wing-mounted spark generator
- Wireless Specialty Apparatus Two Step Amplifier, Type TRIODE – B
- Wireless Specialty Apparatus Radio Receiver Type 501A
- Wireless Specialty Apparatus Radio Receiver Type I. P. 501 Serial #EAA274
- Wireless Specialty Apparatus Receiver Amplifier Type IP501A, Serial No. 331 EMM
- Wireless Test Equipment Collection
- Zenith Model 10-H-571, the “Spinet”
- Zenith Model 7S529 Table Radio
- Zenith Model 8S563 Console Radio