Varoujan Karentz, W1YLB, built this Amateur Radio Transceiver, starting in 1965, because someone gave him a Collins 455 kHz Mechanical Filter. Over the course of many months he prototyped and tested several sections of the transceiver, improving the designs during the process. Most of the parts for the transceiver came from his “junk drawer”, so there are some compromises based on what parts he had on hand. He decided to use 12BY7 and 6JB6 vacuum tubes for the RF amplifier because of the cost and availability of high-power, high-frequency transistors at the time. The transceiver can be powered from 115 VAC 60 Hz, or from 12VDC for mobile operation. Complete details of the construction and theory of operation are in the article starting on page 11 of the December 1967 issue of QST Magazine.