RCA Model BP-10 Portable Broadcast Receiver

This Superheterodyne Portable AM Broadcast Receiver was made by RCA Victor in 1940 at a cost of $20. It can receive AM broadcasts in the normal frequency range of 540 kHz to 1.6 MHz. It uses a “D” 1.5V flashlight battery to power the filaments, and a 67.5B “B” for the rest of the circuitry. The “D” battery will last about 3-5 hours and the “B” battery about 25-40 hours. It has four vacuum tubes; 1R5, 1T4, 1S5, 1S4, all manufactured by RCA. The 1R5 does Frequency Conversion, the 1T4 is the IF, the 1S5 is the second Detector, Audio Frequency, and AVC, and the 1S4 is the Audio Amplifier. The radio is small, measuring only 9.1″ x 3.1″ x 3.7″, but not exactly a light weight at 4.5 pounds.

Unfortunately our radio is missing the Bakelite front cover that contains the loop antenna. When the front cover is closed, it turns off the power from the batteries. We are also missing the leather carrying case.

The Wireless for the Warrior WWW page says: “BP-10 receivers were issued to the French Resistance pending the mass production of MCR 1 ‘biscuit tin’ receiver. In 1943 150 units were delivered in France during a clandestine landing (operation ‘Orion’), to Commander Paul Riviere alias ‘Marquis’. A BP-10 receiver which belonged to him, can be seen in the ‘Museum of the Order of the Liberation’ in Paris.”