Japanese Navy Type 1 ”Ku”(sky) Mark 3 Radio Telephone Set

Navy Type 1 ”Ku”(sky) Mark 3 Radio Telephone Set

This radio, serial number 1091, covers the frequency range of 30 to 50 MHz. The transmitter and Receiver frequency is crystal controlled, and the set came with crystals for 5 MHz and 6.88 MHz. It has a cover that snaps over the front and still allows access to the two knobs at the top of the chassis. Richard Day had this radio operational in 1946.


Navy Type 1 ”Ku”(sky) Mark 3 Radio Telephone Set Specifications
Purpose of use: For 3-seats small bomber
Service distance:  Around 10 km
Frequency: 30-50 MHz
Type of wave: A2 (modulated telegraph), A3 (telephone)
Transmitter: Input 5 W, Crystal Oscillation / Multiplication (US-6V6), Power Amplification (US-6V6), Plate Modulation / combined use with receiver LF amplifier US-6V6 as modulator tube
Receiver: Superheterodyne (local oscillation crystal controlled), RF Amplifier (US-6K7), MIX / local crystal OSC (US-6J7), IF Amplifier (US-6K7), Detection (US-6J7), LF amplifier  (US-6V6)
IF frequency: 2,400 KHz
Power supply: DC rotary converter (input 12 V)
Antenna: Fixed single wire (tuned to 3/4 wavelength)

Navy Aircraft Voice RadioClick on any of the images below to show larger images in a slide show.

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Plug-in CrystalClick on any of the images below to show larger schematic images in a slide show.