The images below show the engine in the Rhode Island Cardboard Company building.
The engine was remarkably intact, but more than a little rusty from sitting in a leaky building for more than 70 years.
The connecting rod end and part of the crankshaft disk
A view from the crankshaft end.
You can see the multitude of oilers on the eccentrics.
You can see how rusty the strongback was. It collected a puddle of water every time it rained, for 70 years.
You can see the engine maintenance tools in a rusty pile on the floor.
The dark objects in the background are part of the alarm and emergency shutoff for the engine.
The dashpots that close the steam valves.
Another view of the rusty strongback and eccentrics.
The two rods in the foreground operate the steam and exhaust valves.
The back of the eccentrics. The little funnel oils the pivot for the exhaust valve linkage.
The flywheel and outboard bearing.
A nice view of the flywheel and crankshaft.
The flywheel, strongback, and connecting rod.
The belt that drives the governor from the crankshaft.
Crankshaft bearing.
The lower part of the governor and emergency shutoff.
The trip rod for the dogs that activate the steam valves, and the rod that moves the steam valve mechanism.
The governor. The brass piston could be remotely operated which would idle the engine.
The dampener for the governor, and the steam valve for the piston to idle the engine.
Another detail of the governor and emergency shutoff.
Another detail of the governor and emergency shutoff.
Another detail of the governor and emergency shutoff.
Another detail of the governor and emergency shutoff.
Looking down the strongback from the cylinder end.
The flyweights for the governor.
Another detail of the governor and emergency shutoff.
The exhaust valve linkage that converts the rotary motion of the rod into linear motion for the valve.
The rear exhaust valve.
The side of the cylinder showing the Providence Engineering Works badge.
Some of the original steam plumbing.
The very unique Greene valve mechanism.
You can just see the dog that operates the rear steam valve through the rust.
The valve mechanism as viewed from the strongback.
The valve mechanism as viewed from the strongback.
The steam valve and the shafts that operated the steam valves.
The lower part of the governor and the shafts that operate the steam and exhaust valves.
The bearing for the exhaust valve shaft, and the pivot for the steam valve linkage.
The dashpots that close the steam valves and the front exhaust valve.
A nice view of the exhaust valves. The large object in the foreground lets you disconnect the exhaust valve linkage from the valves.