The company started in as the 1884 as the Geo. F. Card & O. W. Jantz Manufacturing Company, but was renamed to the Bullock Electric Manufacturing Company when George Bullock took over. In 1904 the company was leased by Allis-Chalmers and finally acquired in 1905. A few years later General Electric took control of Allis-Chalmers …
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1/2 HP. 1160 RPM. 2.2 Amp, 230 Volts. Pat’d May 5-91

110 Volt, 16 Amp, 1000 RPM, 2 Horsepower

This DC electric switchboard came from the tug Gaspee of the Providence Steamboat Co.
This 100kW 3-Phase 240V salient pole alternator, connected to the American Ball engine, was built by General Electric.

A 14 KW Direct Current Generator made by the General Electric Co. of Schenectady, New York. This generator is attached to a New York Safety horizontal engine that was originally located in Lippitt Hall at the University of Rhode Island.
This Single-Stage GE Turbine was made in the Schenectady, NY plant. It runs on 100 Lbs. of steam pressure without superheat. The exhaust pressure is 5 Lbs., an indication of it's high efficiency. The power output is 35 kW, or about 47 HP.

Low voltage, high current DC plating generator

This switchboard is from the power plant of the Reginald Taylor Estate in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. It includes an array of switches and three meters: a Weston Voltmeter made by the Weston Electrical Instrument Company, and two ammeters made by the American Instrument Company, both companies in Newark, New Jersey.

This Thomson-Houston Electric Company generator was delivered to the Hartford Electric Light Company shortly after it was made, which we estimate from patent dates on the builder’s plate to have been about 1886. The generator, which could power 28 lights, was connected to an Armington & Sims Engine Company steam engine. The engine and generator …
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